‹ WintertijdBijbelquiz (94) ›
De Gaza quiz
Gepubliceerd op 30-10-2011

Nee dit is niet de wekelijkse quiz, maar een reactie die ik vanochtend in mijn mail vond.


afgelopen 24 uur meer dan 39 raketten of mortieren zijn vanuit de Gaza op Israël afgevuurd.

De mail:

Well there I am driving back from Ashkelon to my settlement on the border with Gaza (2.5klicks from the fence). I see a flash of light leaving the area of Gaza. I need to make the most amazing calculations as follows:

If it's a mortar I'm nowhere near it and I'm OK - my family at home though are at risk. If it's a kassam, I'm still too far away, my family at home are at serious risk. If it's a grad - it's heading my way. If it's going to hit Ashkelon, I have another 30 seconds to stop the car and get out to the roadside and cover my head and hope it doesn't hit me. If it's a grad going to Ashdod, I have enough time to get under the fire path. SO did I

a) stop and scream,

b)stop at the road side,

c) speed up to get under the flight path.

Those of you who guessed right - I'll send you a fragment of rocket... Life in the Gaza surroundings. Hope you all managed to get some sleep. We didn't, but we're alive...

Voor hen die denken dat met de laatste uitwisseling van gevangenen er nu vrede is met de Hamas & Co. dan moeten die zich nog maar eens herbezinnen.

Tags: Israël, Oorlog
Gerelateerde onderwerpen: Oorlog


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