Joseph Rabinowitz and the Messianic Movement
The Herzl of Jewish Christianity


Joseph Rabinowitz (1837-1899) is one of the most remarkable figures of the recent history of Jewish Christianity. In the Russian town of Kishinev he set up a congregation which is called "The Israelites of the New Covenant." As a Jew who believed in Jesus, Rabinowitz insisted on his Jewish identity; that caused some problems which Messianic Jews of our day are familiar with.
In 1888 Rabinowitz said, "I have two subjects with which I am absorbed: one, the Lord Jesus Christ; the other, Israel."
This book gives insight into the recent history of Jewish Christianity and the controversial question of the identity of Messianic believers.


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Titel Joseph Rabinowitz and the Messianic Movement The Herzl of Jewish Christianity
Auteur Kai Kjaer-Hansen
Uitgever Eerdmans Pub Co
Jaar Verschenen 1994
Taal en
Pagina's pp. 262
Onderwerp Joseph Rabinowitz


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