Two-Source Hypothesis
A Critical Appraisal


What is the "gospel truth" about the composition of the Synoptic Gospels? That the New Testament gospels are the earliest surviving attempts to "tell the story" of Jesus of Nazareth is generally agreed, but the question of how they came to be composed remains a field of turbulent debate among New Testament scholars. Professor Arthur Bellinzoni has collected for this volume 27 essays that argue the case for and against "the priority of Mark" and the existence of the hypothetical "Q." Beginning in each case with the paradigmatic proposals of Burnett Hillman Streeter, Bellinzoni has assembled the crucial literature on every side of the controversy, following the thread of discussion all the way to the recent revisionism of William Reuben Farmer, David Laird Dungan, and their allies.


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Titel Two-Source Hypothesis A Critical Appraisal
Auteur Arthur J. Bellinzoni
Uitgever Mercer Univ Pr
Jaar Verschenen 1985
Taal en
Pagina's pp. 496
Onderwerp Q-tekst


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