The Cult of Mammon
Critiquing the Prosperity Gospel and the Underpinning Theology of the Word of Faith Movement


The book recognizes that prosperity 'gospel' is a by-product of warped theology. Hence it traces the origins of this 'health, wealth and happiness gospel' particularly to the proponents of the Word of Faith movement. It dissects their key theologies like eisegesis, revelation knowledge, positivism, Gnosticism, anthropocentrism, metaphysics, pantheism and Pelagianism. Then equally critiques marketing stratagems that are ostensibly used in manipulating adherents such as 'seeding to get miracle money', sentimentalism, animism, false prophecies, materialistic testimonies and the valuing of charisma over integrity. The book also explains how this American Dream is adapted and repackaged in the Third World, particularly in Africa.

The purpose of this book is to defend the integrity of the Body of Christ with sound doctrine as well as implore the prosperity 'preachers' to repent especially in order to protect multitudes of their gaslighted followers. For these reasons the book criticizes the polar sins of greediness and laziness, gives Biblical ethics concerning stewardship, true blessings, true giving, the essence of contentment and family welfare in light of the exemplary lifestyles of Jesus, the apostles, the Early Church, Church Fathers as well as the Reformers. The author also lists books recommendable on the subject-matter because the intent is not to compete but to uphold sound doctrine.


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Titel The Cult of Mammon Critiquing the Prosperity Gospel and the Underpinning Theology of the Word of Faith Movement
Auteur Sylvester Tonderai Faravadya
Uitgever Sylvester Tonderai Faravadya
Jaar Verschenen 2021
Taal Engels
Pagina's pp. 170
Onderwerp Welvaartsevangelie, Woord van Geloof


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